Waking up Saturday was kinda ok but Sunday's dream was littered with Bibe set at a time when we were still together. Realising upon waking up that what just happened was the complete opposite of NOW gave me that heavy feeling as though weights were shackled upon my shoulders. My body felt heavier than usual and I kinda wanted to get back to sleep again so as to perpetuate the dream that just was. It does work sometimes I must say-extending the just interrupted dream. When I'm in the transition between sleep and awake and my mind is quick to realise the scenario and I still want to prolong the dream, I force myself to go back to sleep. However, this time I woke up rather quickly, and in the process, losing my chance of prolonging the dream altogether.
In a normal 8 hour sleep dream sequences last only a few minutes, I guess, at most, an hour in real-life-time and are mostly staggered. While in there though, everything feels kinda real. Sometimes....I dont know, but I realise that while dreaming, the events happening are not quite attune with my real life situation like how in one of my dreams I was still studying in school, I can actually feel the anxiety knowing somehow something is wrong. I guess that's just me loathing school so much that whatever sandman concocts-school related-just won't sell on me.
But in Sunday's dream sequence, Mr. Sandman did a nifty job of selling his wares. In there no mention was made of how Bibe was with John Doe. In there Bibe and I were happy together scouring the Metro looking for a potential home. In there I could feel Bibe's arms tugging mine as how she would sweetly do whenever we were strolling together. I could hear Bibe's voice, and her whispers, and suggestions. Bibe can become opinionated but she knows when to. In this particular instance, Bibe was her usual self giving me suggestions, options but never was one to stamp her authority. She was letting her man do the deciding not borne out of being submissive but more of wanting to empower her man. She was intelligently exhibiting her woman-sense of when not to interfere.
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