to welcome the new year, I formatted my vista laptop to make it perform the way the hardware had always promised to, in print. I got frustrated having a lamborghini of a laptop with a kia pride performance. I cringe at the thought of having spent an obscene amount of money for a laptop performance i would otherwise get from the ee pcs of the world.
Formatting my computer was actually but a speck of the bigger things I'd be actually accomplishing by doing so. Behind the techie guise of the time consuming clean install was me revisiting some of the botched resolutions I had at the top of the list last 2008; but as with most good intent resolutions, I had trouble sticking with mine.
" Stop Procrastinating!" I once told me with a genuine belief that self talk would go a long way to producing results.
" Minimize the clutter " I soon chorused having been emboldened by the tough guy talk-to-yourself talk.
I never got me going. I regressed to the exact same state my resolutions had tried to illustrate and address.
New Year is New Year but to those who think that it is the height of listing resolutions that eventually never gets done, well it is high time that that idea be scrapped.
Any time of the year could be New Year. You wouldn't want to fall from grace the first two months and wait for the next ten to finish before you clean up your act.
So there was I cleaning up my clutter last week of December. Physical clutter in my room plus the clutter in my computer even before the new year started. I don't know if that counted as 2008 resolution points chalked up at the last minute but I don't care. The long Holiday provided enough idle time for me to take a long look at my clutter that it would be a sin for anyone to simply come up with an assessment but not act on it.
The things that I came across cleaning my drawers and cabinet. I found me the bundle of Christmas greeting cards I bought 6 years ago. I probably used just 2 out of the 10 and kept the remaining inside my drawer only to gather cobwebs. Receipts upon receipts I held on to dating back from last month up to 3 years. Saw me some library cards(souvenirs) of my highschool friends and some of the pretty girls in school which a friend and I gathered a few days before graduation from a pile inside the highschool library but not without permission from our pretty librarian whose face and name I've already forgotten. I remember her being pretty though.
Most I threw in this big black plastic garbage bag but a few memorabilia I kept. Sticking to memorabilia and stuffs with undue branding of "sentimental" may be what ails a clutter but I think I'm better off than I was before the cleanup.
Now if only I could keep my mean streak going....:>
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