Sunday, October 12, 2008

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Last Friday I went out for a very late 11pm dinner. As I was mostly thinking of some unfinished documentation I needed to submit I was kinda oblivious to my surroundings as I made my way from the office to the Italian resto where I promised to treat myself a meatball submarine sandwich. It was Friday so expectedly the place nearby was flooded with yuppies and students alike celebrating the weekend R&R. When I was kinda younger, or at least my lifestyle was, my friends and I anticipated Friday for it was a visual feast for our sore and weary eyes after one long week at work. With our office being near the gimmick area, we didnt have to go far and long to be able to ogle at the pretty ladies dressed in their Friday night attire for which we are ever so grateful :> to say the least!

There wa a running joke within the group where without warning, anyone could say "thank you" whenever he would come across eye candy ladies. It's like a pre-warning signal anyone is encouraged to utter to alert the group upon the sight of a pretty or sexy lady nearby. I watched in Discovery Travel and Adventure an episode about Ice cream parlors where the waiters would say " Check Vanilla" when a beautiful customer comes in. Well we're not in an ice cream parlor and our best attempt to coming up with our version of LAND HO is thank you. For a stretch it had its run until we grew old overtime complemented by the barkada thinning out as the years passed. It's been almost five years and now I find myself not with the barkada, not looking and checking out the ladies, not saying thank you for no apparent reason lest I come across as a loony, indulging in none of the crazy but contained Friday night wackiness and weird jargons, none, none of that. I just casually made my way across the throng of gimmick people with my object being to devour a 3 meatballed submarine sandwich cause my dinner was already 4 hours delayed.

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