A frap can't possibly cost that much(yes Starbucks, I gave me away) even with the soaring fuel prices but it does. To say that Starbucks is making a killing is an understatement. A massacre is more like it and consumer gullibility is the willing victim. Starbucks don't sell coffee, why, if you look at it, coffee is merely a front to the nothing that starbucks is raking all its revenues from. I went there cause the place will tolerate my loitering for a glass of frap. It doesn't have to be a venti, you can even buy the cheapest one or maybe a cookie, not neccessarily a drink, just anything that will serve as your ticket to loiter so you'll have something to show for once the friendly barista sweeps in whenever he would scour the dining area.
I bought me a venti frap. Mocha. Got to have my chocolate. I never really got the hang of all the doodling across the menu. I'm not a coffee person. I couldn't tell an espresso from freshly brewed. Cafe au lait, is it Ole?. To me if they smell the same, they are the same. Fraps give me some freedom to move around since it momentarily provides a disconnect from the real coffee that starbucks serve. Fraps are like dessert drinks and they don't scream coffee even if they are mixed with one. You just say Mocha, Caramel, Choco Chip. See how customer friendly these little money milkers sound like? If I were totally clueless I would think I was being offered cookies.
Another reason why I went to a coffeehouse is that, remember how I said starbucks is practically selling nothing and coffee is a mere front, well, I went there to write me a blog and starbucks offers free electricity to plug-in my laptop should my battery run out. Starbucks also offers security since you be a complete fool using your laptop just about anywhere outside. Also, wi-fi is offered at starbucks courtesy of globe(a mobile provider). So see how selling nothing still rings true? Wi-fi, not from them. Electricity, not from them. Coffee, still, I will refer to it as a front. They are charging me 5 times the actual price of coffee for crying out loud! How can they claim that they are a true coffeeshop with those exorbitant prices! Coffee shop....not!
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