Friday, April 10, 2009

Wiener Whiner

A hotdog is a mixture of beef and pork and chicken trimmings. Flour is added on the mixture plus some flavorings which depend really on the geographical location as some may like it spicy, bland, sweet. The meat combination goes through several mixing machines after the initial grinding. In later stages, water and some corn syrup are mixed to add a tinge of sweetness.

Smokey's is one of the more popular hotdog stalls in the country. Hotdogs haven't supplanted the Pinoy's love for burgers as a staple fast food but it is stil there. Jollibee, a famous burger joint, even included hotdogs in its menu.

For quite some time the footlong had its run as a fast food alternative to the burger. Footlong's main appeal is the quantity. Costing just a few pesos more from the basic burgers of Mcdonald's and Jollibee, these footlong sandwiches sold by no-name stalls that also sell fish and squid balls had its day in the sun until the fad simmered down. The initial appeal of quantity, in the long run, was drowned by the fact that Pinoys just haven't quite developed a permanent liking for the hotdog. Sure you could keep it there in the menu should the taste buds decide to have something different but you couldn't keep forcefeeding the Pinoys hotdogs as much as you could, burgers.

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